Bosse & Baum was founded in 2014 by Alexandra Warder and Lana Churchill. The gallery occupies a unit in the post-industrial Bussey Building, in Peckham, South East London, and is expanding into online spaces. We are a commercial gallery seeking an active role in shaping art discourse by giving a platform to contemporary positions; representing an international roster of emerging artists whose work challenges dominant historical narratives and is socially engaged. We work to facilitate broader social access to art and contribute to the wider critical conversation on contemporary art through a public programme of exhibitions, talks and performances.
Bosse & Baum

Who we are

Why we do what we do
We encourage inclusive participation and conversation, whilst supporting the growth of the artists into a broader dialogue that includes private and institutional collections. We care greatly for our audiences of artists, collectors, curators, and all those interested in looking and learning, from seasoned professionals to curious newcomers. We continue to champion female artists: Bosse & Baum work with more female artists than male artists, still one of only a few platforms in the world to do so. We work to create the conditions in which experimental art practices can thrive, exhibiting challenging media such as performance and installation, and developing the models that secure their visibility in historically conservative markets.

Bosse & Baum is a member of Gallery Climate Coalition, an industry association which aims to promote sustainability and environmental reform within the art world. The company strives to improve its carbon footprint by examining all aspects of our business to find energy-saving, recycling and resource-sharing initiatives.
Bosse & Baum has been committed to closely monitoring its carbon footprint since its inception and has been committed to practising a minimum-waste operation. We, with a few continental exceptions, do not reply on an art fair model and observes strict reduced business travels roles. As well as measuring our carbon emissions, we continuously evolve and develop our policies and procedures to address the key, industry-specific concerns of travel, freight and exhibition production, which will help us move towards a more sustainable model.
Bosse & Baum has pledged to maintain a reduction of our absolute carbon emissions (in line with the Paris Agreement’s goal of keeping global warming to below 1.5°C), and to promote zero-waste practices. For 2023 we are evolving our commitments to keep pace with industry guidance from organisations such as the Gallery Climate Coalition. Reduction remains our top priority. Our Head of Environmental Sustainability, Alexandra Warder, oversees the implementation of these measures to achieve these reduction targets & drives the urgent actions to decarbonize and minimise waste in our daily operations and practices.
Image courtesy Lucia Monge and Bosse & Baum
Lana Churchill
Director, Bosse & Baum
Lana Churchill is the co-founder and director of Bosse & Baum. Prior to this she worked in several contemporary art galleries in London, at Contemporary Art Society and Calvert 22 Foundation. She graduated from the Courtauld Institute of Art, London with a BA in History of Art and an MA in Curating the Art Museum in 2011.
Alexandra Warder
Director, Bosse & Baum
Alexandra Warder is the co-founder and director of Bosse & Baum. Prior to this, she worked at a number of major London galleries including White Cube and Marlborough Fine Art. She has a BA degree from the University of Bristol, and a Masters degree from University College, London.
Special thanks to
All the Artists
for making us
The Circle of Friends
for supporting us
Our Networks
for believing in us
Need Thinking
for our website
All our collaborators
for working with us
Our Local Community
for inspiring us